Monday, October 02, 2006


11 11 2002
The trees in one last best burst of beauty,
orange bleeding off to red,
the leaves most beautiful before their death,
the trees to sleep.
The brook folds
and speaks with quite voice
who sits by my side on such a day?

Magic Day
The day started badly. I felt sick, bloated, the bags under my eyes were dark, puffy and I had a rare headache. In the mirror I saw a face which looked like a troop of ducks left foot prints on my usually smooth skin. I hate when my expections of a beautiful sun filled, exploding color filled day are frustrated. . It was raining. So I paid the bills.

I went to Panera’s for coffee and a cinnamon bagel. I am glad Sammy is not reading this. New Yorker's would probably not approve of my order and especially not toasting it and slathering it with butter. I let the three advils and two cups of coffee drug me into thinking it was a good day and finished the book I was reading on my e bookman. I don't think I should tell you what book it was. I would hate to admit I liked this book set in PEI. I am sure Anna is sick of Anne. Hey it came with the e book man.
"Why did you read it?"
"It was Then I went to the Worthington farm, camera in hand, a blizzard of leaves floating down, an orange confection of trees to feast on. My finger twitching on the shutter, Anna, you must, like Jas and I get yourself a digital camera. I took a hundred and twelve shots. I'll try and pick the best to send with this.


Blogger Roberta said...

Dear Jack,

These photos are wonderful. I wonder if it was drug enduced?

4:28 PM  
Blogger Rich McDonough said...

It ain't a bagel unless it's properly slathered with butter, smeared with cream cheese, bloated with peanut butter, layered with salmon and jammed with jelly.

Lovely autumnal musings, Jack.
Gotta get me a camera.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Did you write that poem Jack? What gorgeous words to set with the breathtaking photos.

The brook folds
and speaks with quiet voice

orange bleeding off to red,
the leaves most beautiful before their death,

Absolutely beautiful!

12:21 PM  

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