Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I gravitate toward Borders on my compressed Fridays. It is as if I expect all the wonderful books to infuse their spirit into my soul...or could it be that I just want a cup of cappuccino. There are wonderful reading chairs here. There are many people to watch and describe.

There are two young guys sitting on the couch reading magazines and talking. One is reading "Draft" magazine; the other is reading "Biking." What is "Draft" magazine? Since there is no military draft, it cannot be about ways to avoid the draft and travel to Canada to avoid the war. Maybe it is about Beer. Making Beer? No, it must be about drinking beer from the looks of the guy reading it. Damn, they left. Now I will have to do my descriptions by memory. The "Draft" reader had a big head, big arms and big legs. I thought this guy shouldn't be wearing shorts. His head moved around when he talked; not as much as Stevie Wonder's wandering head when he sings. I think he used to be very tall; but something happened, a big weight descended on him and now he is compact-- fat---and sausage legged. He also has a line of dark eyes, deep set, almost as if the two eyes make a single eye slit. I don't remember much about his friend who read the biking magazine. He wore a baseball cap, deeply curved brim. He seemed no different than a hundred other young fairly good looking guys. He probably thought he looked cool. I hate the mind set of people that say good is to look like a model. I prefer people who look different than the "model" look.

Writing Prompts.
I am trying to remember what the writing prompt is for today. My memory.... no really my attention span... is not good. This is the biggest problem for me in becoming a writer. If you do not observe deeply, how can you writer. You see my attention to the purpose of writing for May 4th has wandered. I think it had something to do with thanking god. Whoa, hot button issue here. I get all riled up on this issue. I think it stems from a strong negative reaction to my Catholic youth. I was going to be a saint. Life was a simple test to see if you could get into heaven. I remember the peace of my unquestioning faith. The quiet times in church when I reflected on the goodness of god. It is too bad that I have lost all that. Reason has led me to believe that god cannot exist... al least not in the way I knew God when I was young. I know Jas and I have had some correspondence about this. And I think we agree to disagree. My simple argument is this:
God is all powerful
God is all good
God is all knowing

If that is so, how can God let things like the massacres in Rwanda between Hutu and Tutsi happen. Since he is all knowing, he would know it is happening. Since he is all good, he would know that it is a bad thing for people to massacre other people because the one is different than the other. . Since he is all powerful, he could prevent it. Yet, it happened.

Then there are different religions. Hey, your writing prompt got me started on this. I have the time and energy to do so. So you have to suffer through my thoughts on this issue. How can there be Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland who hate each other so much that they will blow each other up. The same can be said for Israelis and Arabs. ... then back through history.... the crusades, the Catholics ignoring the holocaust in WWII, my brother's death, my niece's murder.... Sorry, now I am babbling.

I am going back to reading Daughter of Fortune. Here it is the fifth month and I have only read two and a half books.

I am sorry that books on tape don't count. Then I would be over my book a month goal.


Blogger Unknown said...

Very, very thought provoking.

Post this to the group and let's discuss it. *grin*

As always, you DO make me think. And for that, thank you.

How was Daughter of Fortune? And what books have you read in 2006?

9:47 PM  

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